Foresight Members

"The past was built with vision; build the future with ForeSight."

The following individuals have chosen to remember Union Adventist University in their will or trust. In addition, some have entered into deferred gift plans such as gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts or life insurance policies. On behalf of generations to come, Union Adventist University thanks those who have informed us of these future gifts and have permitted their names to appear.

Anonymous (40)
Joy Barker
Elvin and Pat Benton
Ron and Vicki Biloff
Doug and Wilma Bing
Mardian and Joan Blair
Chris and Yolanda Blake
Floyd Bresee
Bill and Betty Brodie
David and Verna Burghart
James and Jodi Burrill

Clyde Kinder and Gaylah Cantrell-Kinder

Marlene Carleton
Dennis and Ann Carlson
Ellen Clark
Ross and Robyn Cordova
Diana Cowan
David and Judith Csokasy
Dale and Dorothy Culbertson
Roxanne Truax-Cummings
Kathy Davis
Lynn and LuAnn Davis
Dolly DeHaan
Flora Maye Dealy
Joyce Dick
Loren and Carolyn Dickinson
Jessie and Gloria Dorval
Laurice Durrant
Evelyn Eakes
John Engen
Tom and Shirley Evans
Arlie and Karen Fandrich
Wayne Fleming
Brian and Tricia Geery
Glen and Marybeth Gessele
George and Carol Gibson
Tom Goyne
Norman and Alice Haas
Arden and Barbara Hagele
Lowell and Elaine Hagele
Carole Hampton
Stan and Angie Hardt
Erna Hauck
Danny and Carol Heath
Charles Henkelmann
Leo and Claudine Herber
Raymond and Marilyn Herber
Jim and Roxy Hoehn
Duane and Kathy Huey
Tom Ingram
Dean and Trudy Johnson
Nancy Kerbs

Dan and Lisa Klein

Paul Kobayashi
Don and Wanda Krein
Richard and Lorraine Lane
Ramona Lang
Jay and Karen Lewis
Dwight Mayberry
Melodie Mayberry-Stewart
Jeanne Mazat
James McArthur
Evert and Carmen McDowell
Mary Louise McDowell
Todd and Janya Mekelburg
Burdette and Carolyn Millard

Timothy Mitsuhiro
Darlene Morrison
Virginia Myers
Ralph Neall
Christine Nesmith
Jeremy and Marcia Nordmeyer
Jack and Lois Northcutt
Merlene Ogden
David and Cathy Olson
Nick and Lisette Parks
Ethel Parobek
Louesa Peters
Gloria Pierce
Lola Pogue
Bill Putnam
Jane Rannow
Rich and Lynnet Reiner
Marilyn Renk
John and Carol Jean Ruffcorn
Malcolm and Sharon Russell
Paul and June Sanchez
Joseph and Barbara Schnell
Ed and Jan Seltmann
LaVon Shafer
Tim Simon
Roger and Sandy Stearns
Terry Tanner
Jerome and Jane Thayer
Kent and Sara Thompson
Peggy Tompkins
Margaret Turner
JanaLee Wagner
John and Lilya Wagner
Todd Wagner
Peggy Wahlen
Phyllis Weygandt
David and Linda White
Virginia Widicker
Naomi Wilmot
Bill and Beverly Wilson