Here's how to take your next step towards a great Union experience.
Want to know how to enroll at Union Adventist University? Follow the steps below and before you know it you'll be on your way to a great career while becoming the person God created you to be.
1. Fill out the application
As soon as you fill out the application, we'll work on getting you accepted to Union Adventist University so you can complete the rest of the enrollment process.
In order to speed up our ability to accept you to Union Adventist University, we allow you to self-report your GPA along with your ACT and/or SAT scores (test scores are optional and only required for the top academic merit scholarship). It is important that you give us accurate information because we will need to verify these with your official test scores and transcripts before you enroll (see step 4 below).
Fill out the application now. Then come back to continue working your way through the application checklist.
2. Visit
We think Union is great. If you've already visited, then you probably already know that. If you haven't made the trip to Lincoln yet, you don't have to take our word for it. Experience Union for yourself!
Sign up now at
3. Make your $100 confirmation deposit
Let us know you're coming! ( This non-refundable deposit is applied directly onto your student account, so your first month's payment will be less.
By making your confirmation deposit, you also unlock the full resources of Student Success coaches, allowing you to put together your class schedule and explore the career and major of your interest with our counselors.
4. Score Confirm
Union Adventist University now accepts self-reported test scores and GPA for admission! Admitted students who choose to enroll at Union Adventist University must verify the accuracy of their self-reported score by submitting official test scores and transcripts before enrolling.
You can report your test scores as a part of the application. But if you're already applied, please submit your scores here.
Confirming your GPA
Submit a request to your high school (and college if applicable) registrar to mail or electronically send your transcript to:
Union Adventist University
Attn: Admissions Office
3800 South 48th Street
Lincoln, NE 68506
PDF copies may be emailed to
Confirming your scores (optional)
- Submitting an ACT/SAT is an optional portion of the application process, but please note that ACT/SAT scores are required for our highest scholarships.
- If you've opted to provide self-reported ACT/SAT scores, request that your scores be sent to Union Adventist University (Union's school code for ACT is 2480 and for SAT is 6865).
- Ask your high school counselor or registrar to send the score transcripts.
Note: If there are any discrepancies in your self-reported scores versus official scores, Union Adventist University reserves the right to withdraw your application or offer of admission.
5. Set up your financial plan
Fill out the FAFSA (
- The fastest way to import your financial data is to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool on the FAFSA.
- You'll use your tax and financial information from two year's prior—for the 22-23 school year, use 2020 Tax Information. For the 23-24 school year, use 2021 Tax Information.
- Union's school code is: 002563.
Fill out the Financial Questionnaire. You'll need to log into Union's student portal using your UC-ID. Click the piggy bank icon and then select "Financial Aid Questionnaire" from the menu.
NOTE: The Financial Questionnaire will be available on November 15.
Talk to a financial aid advisor. They will clear up any details, answer questions and finalize your financial plan.
Confirm details in My Financial Aid. Once your FAFSA and Financial Aid Questionnaire have been received and processed, you will be notified of your awards, aid eligibility and payment plan by email. On the My Financial Aid portion in the Portal, click on “Accept/Decline Awards” to accept, decline or revise your financial awards.
NOTE: My Financial Aid will be available on November 15.
Finish all other financial paperwork. Complete and sign any additional items listed under the "To Do" tab in My Financial Aid.
Make your first month's payment at (due Aug 15 or Jan 15). Your non-refundable confirmation deposit is applied to your first month's payment, so your first payment is conveniently less.
6. Registration checklist
The "acceptance checklist" in your Portal is like the trailer to a movie. It lets you know the most important parts of the checklist, but it's not everything. To be fully enrolled, you need to complete the Registration Checklist on your Portal account.
When the Portal becomes available to new students, you will receive an email with your UC-ID and password so you can login right away. If you can't find your info, email
You can complete 95% of your checklist online. There are a handful of things (like taking your official Union ID photo) that you do when arriving on campus. You must finish the Registration Checklist before uConnect.
Note: Depending on when you make your confirmation deposit, the Registration Checklist may not be available immediately when you gain access to Portal.
7. Reserve classes and a room
You will be working with your life coach in Student Success after you pay the confirmation deposit to decide on classes, but you won't be able to officially register for specific courses until March 26 (for Fall 2024) or November 5 (for Spring 2025). Call the Enrollment Office at 402.486.2504 if you do not know who your advisor is or if you need to change the major you listed on your application.
To reserve a room in the residence halls, fill out this form. You can say who you're planning to room with, or give them information that will help match you with your future roommate.
8. Complete your health and immunization forms
You will need to complete a series of health forms through the uHealth portal before you can begin classes. If you are under the age of 19, additional forms will be required to be signed by a legal guardian, such as a parent. Access to the uHealth portal requires the same log in information as uGroups, Portal and other Union Adventist University systems. For some documents requiring signatures, you will need to upload a scan or high-resolution photo of the document through uHealth.
After logging in to uHealth, you will be required to submit:
- Personal Health History Form (may be completed online by the student or guardian)
- Required immunization records (these may be obtained from your physician and then scanned and uploaded in the uHealth portal). You need proof of the following:
- MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) two vaccines after the first birthday or an antibody lab titer proving immunity.
- Meningococcal vaccines (PDF) (1 shot at 16 years or older) or a waiver form signed if living in the residence hall (must be signed by parent if student is under 19 years old).
- Internationally born students: a negative Tuberculosis (TB) skin test within the past year and a completed TB screening questionnaire (available through uHealth).
- Students younger than 19: Medical Treatment Authorization to Minors. This needs to be printed, signed by a parent or legal guardian and then upload a scan or image of it to the uHealth portal.
Additional recommended vaccines—If you are participating in the physician assistant, nursing, occupational therapy assistant or international rescue and relief programs, or you will be traveling internationally on a Union-sponsored mission trip, you will be required to have these vaccines.
- Tetanus (Tdap) to be within the past 10 years
- Polio series (3-4 shots)
- Varicella (chickenpox) vaccines (2 shots) or antibody lab titer proving immunity
- Hepatitis B series (3 shots) or antibody lab titer proving immunity
Please allow some time to process all incoming health data. If you have questions, please contact the Campus Health office at
9. Request official transcript(s) after high school graduation
If you're a graduating high school student, you'll need your official transcripts with graduation date to be mailed to Union Adventist University after graduation or at the end of the semester.
If you are a transfer student, we'll need an unofficial high school transcript with graduation date or a copy of your diploma. Additionally you'll need to send official college transcripts from all colleges you attended.
Other important stuff
If you're an international student, be sure to check out the international checklist.
Want to know what to expect when you arrive on campus? Check out the uConnect page.

Visit Union
Want to see Union for yourself? Come for a free preview. We'll even help pay for your travel. Start planning your trip today.

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Union helps you succeed
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Why Union students succeed
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Finding a calling
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