Photo of students reading poetry in England's Lake District.

A travelogue from the UK study tour

London, England When we landed at Heathrow in London, our first order of business was to drop our luggage off at the Red Lion Hotel in Hillingdon and head into the city. London was bustling…

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Bringing the ancient world to life

Walking into Assistant Professor of Religion Dr. Trisha Broy’s office is like entering a miniature museum of archeology. She has trays of ancient ceramic shards, a stone ax head and even a mostly intact clay…

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VIDEO | Union theology students attend Adventist Society for Religious Studies

As part of their academic growth, Union theology majors and professors attended the Adventist Society for Religious Studies annual convention last fall in San Antonio. Here’s what they learned.

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VIDEO | Jacob Pittinger answers the call to pastoral ministry

Jacob felt called to be a pastor since he was a child. At Union College, he found a school that gave him the knowledge, tools and connections to reach that God-given calling.

Photo of three students in front of an English country estate.

United Kingdom Study Tour 2023

Taught by Seth Pierce and Ben Tyner, the classes are RELT 355: Imagination, Theology and History and HIST 325: Tolkien, Fantasy and Middle Ages. In them, students study the works of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien…

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Photo of Trisha Broy at an archeological dig.

Trisha Broy brings archeological expertise to Union

Dr. Trisha Broy is on her way to joining Union’s Religion Program — as soon as she finishes digging up Iron Age jars in the Middle East this summer. Having previously taught as an adjunct…

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Photo of Abner and Debbie Campos

Abner Campos: a life of learning starts at Union

Abner Campos will never forget the last day of his Theology 1 class with Dr. Thomas Toews. At the end of the class, the professor told his students to remember just one thing. Campos expected…

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Photo of Jefferson Gibson

Jefferson Gibson: listening for God in the cafeteria

If you’ve eaten at Union Market in the last four years, you’ve probably seen Jefferson Gibson. The senior theology major serves meals, stocks shelves and rings up purchases, all with his characteristic easygoing smile. If you…

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Photo of Dr. Pierre Steenberg

Welcome to Union, Dr. Steenberg

Union College is excited to welcome Pierre Steenberg as an assistant professor of religion. Steenberg joins us from the Central California Conference where he has served as ministerial and evangelism director. With Steenberg, Union gets…

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Photo of JosueMiguel Marin

Ready to serve: internships set graduates on the path to success

Most college graduates leave school with one pressing goal: find a job. But that stressor was one Josemiguel Marin, a 2021 graduate, didn’t face. He was hired in January of his senior year by the…

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Video: Kolby Beem’s pastoral internship experience

Every Union College theology major spends the first semester of his or her senior year as a pastoral intern under the mentorship of a senior pastor. This immersive experience allows students to participate in every…

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No manufactured moments

When Tonja Rizijs Rasmusson ’00 was hired as Sacramento Adventist Academy’s religion teacher in 2000, it was rare for an academy to have a dedicated Bible teacher—especially a woman. Now, in her sixteenth year at…

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