Photo of Adam Anderson in a science classroom.

Senior puts international service before med school

Any senior applying to medical schools could use a prayer or two. Then there’s Adam Anderson. The international rescue and relief (IRR) major will be applying to highly competitive programs while volunteering in a country…

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Castro couldn’t break our pizza man

If he’d followed the plan Fidel Castro’s government had for his life, Reinier Camejo Carmona would not be making pizzas for Union College students. The leaders of the Kansas-Nebraska Conference of Seventh-day Adventists also wish…

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Union student wins international film contest

Caleb Haakenson did not produce a video until he arrived at Union College, but his growing creativity with a camera and passion for evangelism helped him develop the winning entry in Adventist Mission’s recent My Story,…

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Changing the face of education

Jovannah Poor Bear-Adams remembers all the students who have come through Holbrook Academy. In her seven years there—first as girls’ dean and English teacher, then as vice principal, and now as Dean of Student Services…

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Video: International Rescue and Relief responds to Hurricane Harvey

After Hurricane Harvey dropped torrential rains on Southeast Texas, a team of 24 Union students and faculty spent a week helping residents of Port Arthur, Texas, clean up their flood-damaged homes. In this short video,…

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Union PA student Jillian Peavy

Putting the caring in health care

Union PAs gain a global perspective through a yearly mission trip. “It broke our hearts because there was nothing else we could do,” said Nicole Samila, a Union College physician assistant student. “We discovered this woman’s…

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How to save a life

IRR students don’t just learn how to save lives—they actually do it. By the time the bus pulled up to the hospital in Puerto Cabezas, it was already 1:00 a.m. After five jolting hours on…

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Teaching patients to battle HIV

“People don’t think HIV is a problem anymore,” said Sampath Wijesinghe. “In the 1980s many people were dying from it and everyone was talking about it, but now that we have great treatments and it’s…

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Photo of Susy and her two fellow interns with adopted girls for Backpack program

Social work in South America

Susy Gomez’s heart broke as she listened to the new college student share his story. The young Peruvian engineering student had excellent grades and a full scholarship, but between him and his mother, a disabled…

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3rd Annual Dash for Compassion

This year’s “Dash for Compassion” event is a 5k run that will benefit the Matt Talbot Kitchen. The event is planned and hosted by the Union College PA Students . The race will take place at Pioneers…

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New Exhibit: Sharing Light Around the World

On March 5 a new exhibit featuring the stories of thirty Union College alumni honored with golden cords opened in the library’s gallery. Union College was founded during the heydey of American Christian foreign missions.…

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