In this issue ...
- Why do we connect? (by John Wagner, president, p. 4)
- Enrollment increases by five percent (by Joellyn Sheehy ’14, p. 5)
- Gymnaire reunion planned for 2015 (by Joellyn Sheehy ’14, p. 5)
- Union College Red Cross Club responds to Nebraska Tornados (by Joellyn Sheehy ’14, p. 6)
- Bollinger retires, Leeper new financial vice president (by Ryan Teller ’98, p. 7)
- Union announces a name for the new science and mathematics facility as fundraising campaign goes “over the top.” (by Ryan Teller ’98, p. 8-9)
- Union opens new PA and IRR facility (by Joellyn Sheehy ’14, p. 10)
- Former Union president Robert Brown dies (p. 34)
- Students need your unused Adventist study books (by Joellyn Sheehy ’14, p. 34)
- Connecting through tragedy (by Mindy Leibelt ’12, p. 11)
- Staying connected before Facebook (by Joellyn Sheehy ’04, p. 12-13)
- Jeff Peterson: Creating lifelong connections (by Lauren Bongard Schwarz, p. 14-15)
- Using social media for positive connections (by Joellyn Sheehy ’14, p. 16-17)
- Creating connections after the classroom (by Amy Prindle ’05, p. 18-19)
- Students research new ways to teach genetics (p. 20-21)
In every issue
- Class-ifieds (28-31)
- People Placements (31-32)
- In Memory (32-36)
- ForeSight: Charles and Naoma Henkelmann (2, 37)