In this issue ...
Making a difference
- "Out with the cramped, in with the comfortable" (p. 2)
- "It's a Wonderful Life," by Ken Farrow, featuring the Arnt '61 and Donna '59 Krogstad (p. 4)
Campus news
- "What's Online" (p. 5)
- "Acrofest 2022 — Finally!" (p. 6)
- "International Rescue and Relief in Florida" (p. 7)
- "Union Ranked 'Best College' for 17th straight year" by Scott Cushman '03 (p. 8)
- "Prepping for medical school" by Annika Cambigue (p. 9)
- "AdventHealth Complex Update" (pp. 10-11)
- "Brian Peoples: A behind-the-scenes view of the Senate ," by Annika Cambigue (p. 12)
- "Internship takes student home to a new level of ministry," by Annika Cambigue (p. 13)
- "Union students leapt to action in mid-air medical emergency," by Annika Cambigue (p. 14)
- "A cliffside rescue: tethered to hope," by Annika Cambigue (p. 15)
- "Dr. Joan Stoner: they all shall be taught," by Scott Cushman '03 (p. 16)
- "Building the Nursing Program," featuring Marilyn McArthur by Lauren Bongard '04 (p. 17)
- "The enemy's child," by Kim Peckham ’82 (pp. 18-19)
- "Old friends, new music and memories: Union College to host choral reunion ," by Lauren Bongard '04 (pp. 20-21)
- "Mayo PA's career bends unexpectedly toward elbows," featuring Tiffany Lam '12 by Annika Cambigue (p. 22)
In every issue
- Births (pp. 23)
- Weddings (p. 24-25)
- Class-ifieds (p. 26)
- In memory (p. 27-30)
- The last word: "Let's watch Him work," by Dr. Vinita Sauder (p. 31)