In this issue........
- Learning through hospitality ( by Marcia Nordmeyer ’03?, pg. 4)
News - Cash isn’t the only gift that makes a difference ( by Scot Coppock, pg 5)
- Guarantee a spot in Union’s nursing program ( by Ryan Teller, pg 6)
- New online offerings make it easier for students to take summer courses ( by Ryan Teller, pg 6)
- New associate’s degree focuses on video and photographic arts ( by Ryan Teller, pg 7)
Features - Union student government sets the stage for health care leadership ( By Autumn Mott ’19, pg. 10)
- Professor’s advice leads to international relations career ( By Autumn Mott ’19, pg. 11)
- Union’s International Rescue and Relief Program creates opportunities for service on campus and around the world ( By Stefani Leeper ’17, pg. 12-13)
- Previewing life at Union ( by Autumn Mott, pg. 14-15)
- Smaller can be better ( by Natalie Barahona Bruzon ’16, pg. 16)
- Connecting on a personal level through customized fitness ( by Natalie Barahona Bruzon ’16, pg. 17)
- An Oasis of Hospitality ( by Lauren Bongard Schwarz ’04, pg. 18-19)
- The Adventist Amazon ( by Bjorn Karlman, pg. 20-22
- More than a hill of peanuts ( by Mike Mennard, pg. 24-26
In every issue - People Placements (pg. 27)
- Class-ifieds (pg. 28-29)
- In memory (pg 30-34)