CORDmagazine Winter 2012

In this issue ...

Footprints from Union (by John Wagner, college president, p. 4)

Union College offers leadership minor (by Tiffany Doss '11, p. 5)
Union's core enrollment stays steady (by Ryan Teller '98, p. 5)
Alumni gift classic VW Bus to Union College (by Ryan Teller '98, p. 6-7)
PA Program announces first Primary Care Service Scholarship recipients (by Kelly Phipps '12, p. 7)
Board approves physician assistant expansion plans (by Ryan Teller '98, p. 8)
Union honors student veterans (by Kelly Phipps '12, p. 9)

Back in the driver's seat: Union College names Wagner president for the second time (by Ryan Teller '98, p. 10-11)
120 years ago today: Union celebrates with a ground blessing for the new building (by Nicole Onjukka Meharry '04, p. 12-13)
A community within a community: Unionaires celebrate a rich history with alumni reunion (by Lauren Bongard Schwarz '04, p. 14-15)
Project Impact 2011: 30th anniversary of showing student service (by Ryan Teller '98, p. 16-17)
Why I never left Union College (by Bruce Bottsford '70, p. 18)
Professor perspective: Nancy Petta (by Kelly Phipps '12, p. 19)
A lifetime of memories starts at Union College: Dan Cornforth remembers (by Nicole Onjukka Meharry '04, p. 20)
A college beyond compare: Dr. Robert and Frances Brown remember Union (by Nicole Onjukka Meharry '04, p. 21)
Sailing to recovery: Matt Satterlee (by Tiffany Doss '11, p. 22-23)
In every issue

Class-ifieds (24-26)
People Placements (25-26)
In Memory (26-20)
ForeSight (2, 31)