Union College physician assistant students are raising money help support community health programs of Lincoln during the seventh annual Dash for Compassion. Proceeds from the race will be donated to A Partnership for a Healthy Lincoln (PHL) to help increase health awareness through a variety of outreach programs within the community and to increase healthcare availability as well.
This Lincoln-based non-profit collaborates with other organizations on joint projects to improve health by increasing physical fitness, promoting good nutrition, and supporting breastfeeding. They partner with clinics and healthcare providers to better patient health outcomes through improving processes for outreach, preventative care, and chronic disease management.
The five-kilometer fun run/walk will take place at Holmes Lake on October 27, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. Blood pressure checks will be available for the community between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
The Dash for Compassion was created in 2013 by Anne Mullin, now a Union College alumna. The idea came to her while attending an annual physician assistant conference in Washington, D.C. “We got the idea from another PA student who we met at the conference,” Mullin explained in a 2013 interview. “As PA students, our purpose is always to serve and help people with our knowledge and compassion. By forming this philanthropic partnership, we will be exhibiting the compassion and medical service that has come to define our profession.”
Dash for Compassion is just one of the ways through which Union College PA students demonstrate the responsible servanthood modeled by Christ. Students engage in their community through service all year, such as at Project Impact, supporting the Union College Foot Clinic once a month during the academic year, and providing free medical care in Peru every summer.
Every adult who registers for this event by October 10 will receive a t-shirt and will also be entered into a drawing for prizes from local organizations. As there will be no cost for children under the age of 12, they will not receive a t-shirt. However, there will be other ways for them to be involved.
Children and families are welcome to come and be apart of the event. Costumes are highly encouraged, as there will be a contest! A prize will also be awarded to the best adult costume, best child costume and first runner to finish the course.
Support your community, show compassion and please participate in this event.
Follow the Union College PA program on Facebook: @unioncollegepaprogram and on Instagram: @union_pa_program for more information as the run gets closer.