Student earnings FAQ

What period of time is included in my monthly earnings check and when are my earnings paid?
The pay period will always end on the Saturday that falls near the 15th of the month. Your pay check will be available on the 1st of the month. The exception to this rule is when the 1st falls on the weekend. Then the pay check will be available on the last working day that precedes the 1st.

Do I receive all my earnings or are they credited to my student account?
A check will be issued for your student earnings unless you have signed a form with your Financial Aid advisor arranging for a portion of your earnings to be withheld and credited to your student account.

Where do I pick up my earnings?
Your earnings will be mailed to your local school address. If you are in the dorm, the checks will be in your dorm mailbox on the pay day indicated above. If you live off campus, checks will be put in U.S. mail on the day prior to pay day.

Can I have my check deposited directly into my checking or savings account?
Yes! As a matter of fact we would encourage you to do so, that way you can be assured that you will receive your earnings with no delay or risk of your check getting lost in the mail. To have your earnings deposited in your checking or savings account, just fill out the Authorization Agreement for Automatic Deposit of Payroll Check form. Forms are available in the accounting office or on the Union Adventist University website (PDF). Return your completed form along with a voided blank check to Jeanne Hevener in the Accounting Office and we will automatically deposit your check for you each month. Any bank or credit union located in the U.S. is eligible. An account at a local bank or credit union is not required.

Social Security Exemption for Student Employees Student employees, enrolled at least half-time, are exempt from both Social Security and Medicare withholding tax (FICA) based on Federal regulations. Half time enrollment is defined as 6 credit hours per semester.

Federal College Work Study Program (FCWSP)
This program is subsidized by the Federal Government and provides part-time work through the various departments on campus and through public or private non-profit organizations off campus for qualifying students. In order to qualify, students must demonstrate financial need for the earnings from part-time employment. Under the United States Office of Education guidelines, priority must be given to the students having the greatest financial need. If you work under the (FCWSP) all of the wages earned are not counted toward your future eligibility for financial aid. This differs from a job off campus in a supermarket, gas station, etc. All the wages earned from those jobs must be reported on the financial aid application and all are used to determine your eligibility for financial aid for the following year. If you have any questions regarding this program see your Financial Aid advisor.

If you have any questions regarding your student earnings statement, please feel free to ask.

Jeanne Hevener
Dick Administration Bldg Room 504
(402) 486-2600 ext. 2133