The International Rescue and Relief (IRR) seniors spend their last spring semester on an international expedition. This year, 15 IRR students will be going to Malawi, a country in southeastern Africa. This trip is an excellent opportunity for our students and an experience of a lifetime.
While on the expedition, students will learn about topics such as Global Health, Travel and Tropical Medicine, Expeditionary Leadership, and Clinical Care. In Malawi, the students will be able to put all of their studying and learning in IRR into practice. They will learn hands-on skills by providing medical care and health education to rural communities.
Please support our student's commitment to leading a life of service by giving to this year's IRR Malawi Africa Expedition fund. Gifts like yours make a difference for our students and are greatly appreciated!
Be on the lookout for a Facebook group that will be created so that you stay updated and follow along with the group while they are overseas. If you are unable to help financially at this time, please remember our trip in your prayers.