Know your resources

Student Success Center

The library in the Don Love Building
402.486.2600 ext. 2255

The Student Success Center is dedicated to helping you succeed in college and beyond. Here are some of the great services offered:

Life Coaching—Every freshman will have a life coach for the entire school year to help get adjusted to life in college and learn to succeed.

Tutoring—Need help with a specific class? We have a variety of tutoring options available—including embedded tutors taking some of the tougher classes you'll face as a freshman.

Career preparation—Research careers or graduate schools, attend career fairs, get help with job searches, work on your interview skills or take a CLEP test. We can also test your personal aptitudes and skills to assist you in choosing your major.

AccommodationsIf you need accommodations for a physical or learning disability, we will help you get what you need to be success in college.

Library and Research Assistant Program

Don Love Building atrium

Union Adventist University’s library provides access to more than 60,000 books, and a host of journals, magazines and search databases—all from the computer in your room. Use the Research Assistance Program and schedule a one-on-one session with a librarian who will help you with that daunting research project.

The Writing Studio

The library in the Don Love Building
402.486.2600 ext. 2325

Whether you're struggling to refine that essay or just need help brainstorming, tutors from the Writing Studio can help. 

Reiner Wellness Center

Inside the AdventHealth Complex

Equipped with a variety of workout facilities (cardiovascular machines, Body Master equipment and free weights), a 25-meter indoor pool and a jacuzzi, the Larson Lifestyle Center is free for students and has everything you need to stay fit all year long.

Campus Health

Rees Hall room 119 (north entrance)

Tammy Adams, RN
Lorie Escobar, licensed mental health practitioner

Campus Health provides medical and counseling services for students at no charge. Plus, you have 24/7 access to physicians and mental health counselors through Uwill.

Computer Labs

3rd floor of the Everett Dick Building,
Engel Hall (Mac Lab) and the library.

Union Adventist University has computer labs with printers available for student use. Color printers are in the Mac lab.