Please read our Interlibrary Loan Policy below before making Interlibrary Loan requests.
To request a book:
- Search WorldCat Local (with limit set to Libraries Worldwide) and find a record for the desired book.
- Verify that Union Adventist University does not own the book (there may be several records for the same book, be sure to check all of them).
- Click the interlibrary loan button.
- Fill out the electronic form as completely as possible, selecting the appropriate division and status.
- Click Submit.
- You will be notified when the book arrives (usually 7-10 days). Please pick it up promptly and return it on time. It is important for Union Adventist University to maintain healthy relationships with lending institutions.
To request an article:
- Find the article citation (record) in an article index.
- Verify that Union Adventist University does not have access to the article (the first three options must be exhausted before making an ILL request):
- Some article indexes provide full text access to some or all articles indexed.
- Online access is also available to Union Adventist University faculty and students from many databases and publishers' websites. See our list of Periodicals A to Z for a complete list of print and electronic periodical titles.
- Most print periodical titles are included in the Library Catalog.
- If you are using a WorldCat Local index, click the "Request an Interlibrary Loan" button. If you are using an EBSCOhost index, click "Request an Interlibrary Loan". Fill out the electronic from as completely as possible, selecting the appropriate division and status. Click Submit.
Or - If you obtain a citation from another source, use the Union Adventist University Library online request form.
- The article will be sent to your email address when it arrives (usually less than a week).
Interlibrary Loan Policy
Union Adventist University Library expects to provide most of the research materials needed by its students and faculty. Its collections and resources should adequately meet the needs of undergraduate students. In the event that a student or faculty member requires something not currently available in the Library, the Library will borrow this item from another library on behalf of the user within the guidelines of the following policy.
Union Adventist University Library Users Policy
Loans to Other Libraries
Approved 8/21/2003
Revised policy approved 1/21/2015