Entering/Exiting the Library
The library's entrance is located on the upper level on the south side of the atrium in the Don Love Building. The east entrance to the atrium has both exterior steps and a ramp to access the doors. The west entrance is both step and ramp-free. The upper level may be reached from either entrance by using the elevator at the west end of the atrium.
Within the library, an elevator located in the northeast area of the library provides access to all areas of the library.
Other assistance
If you require any other assistance in using the Library, please contact the Public Services Librarian. Prior arrangements made by calling 402.486.2514 will result in the most effective assistance.
Approved 2/10/2010
Children in the Library
The Union Adventist University Library is committed to serving the academic and research needs of the adult Union Adventist University community. Our resources, equipment, and facility are intended to stimulate mature intellectual development and provide a quiet atmosphere for study. Although the Library does collect a limited number of juvenile materials, these items are intended to support Union Adventist University's teacher education program. With this in mind, children (under the age of 15) and their parents or teachers visiting the Library must abide by the following guidelines:
- Children in the Library must be under the direct supervision of a parent or teacher at all times.
- Any child entering the Library without a parent or teacher will be asked to leave.
- If the child is visiting the Library with a parent, the parent will be financially responsible for any item damaged by his/her child.
- If the child is visiting the Library with a school group, the school will be financially responsible for any item damaged by a child in the group.
- Time permitting, library staff will assist elementary age children with school assignments only.
- A child who is misbehaving in the Library may be approached by any staff member who may give a verbal warning, request that the child leave the Library, or ask the parent or guardian to intervene.
Approved 7/30/2003
- The library allows circulation privileges to the following groups of people.
Group | ID for application | ID for borrowing |
Students | Not required | Union ID card with a barcode F#### |
Faculty | Not Required | Union ID card with a barcode A#### |
Staff | Not Required | Union ID card with a barcode A#### |
Community | Two forms of ID showing current address; one must have a picture. Community patrons must be 18 or older. | Community patron card issued by the Union Adventist University Library |
Reciprocal Borrowers | ID from a reciprocal cooperating Nebraska higher education institution | Community patron card issued by the Union Adventist University Library |
SDA Schools of Lincoln | College View Academy ID card (9th–12th grade only) | Community patron card issued by the Union Adventist University Library |
Lincoln Lancaster County Genealogical Society | ID and society membership | Community patron card issued by the Union Adventist University Library |
- At the beginning of a semester, a student's temporary ID card may be used with the understanding that a permanent ID card will be used for future transactions. At the student's first visit after a permanent ID card has been issued, his or her record should be updated to show the permanent patron barcode. Only one active ID card is permitted.
- A patron's borrowing privilege expires the last day of classes for the fall and spring semesters.
- A cumulative total of 25 items may be checked out on a patron's record at any time.
- All items are loaned for a period of four weeks except reserve and non-circulating items (see the Course Reserve Policy on this page).
- Items may be recalled after one week if needed by another patron.
- Items may be renewed one time unless a hold has been placed on it. Renewals may be made online through WorldCat Discovery with a patron's ID card barcode and library provided password or in person. A printed receipt will be given to the patron. The item being renewed does not have to be brought in. No phone or mail renewals are accepted.
- All items should be returned to the circulation desk when the Library is open. When the Library is closed, books may be placed in the book return at the northwest entrance of the Atrium. Fragile items such as videos, audio cassettes and laserdiscs must be returned to the circulation desk. Broken or damaged items are the responsibility of the user.
- Holds may be placed online through WorldCat Discovery (required library provided user ID and password) or requested at the Circulation Desk for checked out items. Once a held item is returned it is placed on the hold shelf and the waiting patron is notified of its availability via phone or email. The item(s) will be held for one week.
- Patrons are notified of the due date when an item is checked out. As a courtesy, coming due soon notices are emailed four days and one day before items are due. Overdue & fine notices are emailed after the due date to remind patrons when an item is past due or has been returned late. Fines are due whether or not the notices were received.
Fines | |
Regular items | 50¢ per day ($10 maximum per item) |
Hourly reserve items | 25¢ per hour ($10 maximum per item) |
Daily reserve items | 50¢ per day ($10 maximum per item) |
Recalled items | $1 per day ($10 maximum per item) |
Lost items | Cost of item plus $40 processing fee (minimum $40.00) |
Approved 8/21/2003, Updated 3/4/2008, Updated 2/1/2016
Classroom use
The Library's classroom is room 121 (Media Classroom which includes multimedia equipment). This room may be reserved for educational or organizational use under the following guidelines. All requests for classroom usage must be submitted to the Circulation and Reference Assistant.
- The submission of a request does not automatically guarantee approval for use. A response will usually be given within 24 hours.
- Library functions, followed by Union Adventist University needs, will take precedence over other requests for the use of these rooms.
- If your group includes children under the age of 15, please abide by our Children in the Library Policy (can be viewed on this page).
- Groups of students needing to view videos or DVDs will be allowed to use the Media Classroom if the other media viewing rooms are already in use.
- The Media Classroom may not be reserved for leisure viewing.
- Rooms are available during posted Library hours only.
- Beverages in the classroom must have spill-proof covers. Please do not bring food to the Library.
Collection Development
Computer use
- The Library's computers are provided for Union Adventist University students and faculty/staff use in support of the College's curriculum.
- Computers are provided in two locations. The reference computer on Level 1 is to be used for searching library databases only. Six computers are availabel on Level 2 near the stairs and may be used for any research-related purpose within the guidelines of this policy as well as checking email.
- Children must never use the public computers without a parent present. Children are not permitted to play on the computers.
- Time limits may be imposed if it is determined that the computers are not accessible to those who need them.
- Academic use has priority over email and non-academic "surfing."
- Pornography will not be tolerated. Pop up pornography must be immediately suppressed or reported to Library staff.
- At the present time printing is freely permitted. The Library reserves the right to institute charges to cover the cost of printing if deemed necessary.
- Care must be exercised in the use of the computers to ensure their continued functionality. Vandalism or willful destruction of computer equipment will be prosecuted.
- The downloading and installation of personal programs will not be permitted on the library computers. Viruses and other destructive programs that harm equipment and/or data or other information are not permitted.
- Changing home pages and personal preferences is forbidden.
- Saving personal files on the computer's hard drive is permitted for a short time but not encouraged. Files will be erased each night when the computers are ghosted. Leaving personal files on a public computer jeopardizes personal privacy.
The library leads the Union Adventist University campus in the utilization of information resources, preservation of institutional heritage, and serves students, faculty, staff, and community members in their intellectual and spiritual growth. As a part of this mission, the library staff endeavors to model best practices in the use of copyrighted material and to provide library patrons with information to assist them in using copyrighted materials within the spirit and letter of the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U. S. Code, Sections 101-122).
This policy addresses copyright in the context of library services only. Faculty and students are responsible for understanding the law on copyright as it applies to all their academic endeavors. The Association of Research Libraries maintains a web site with copyright resources for teaching faculty at Know your Copy Rights. It focuses on key portions of the copyright laws that pertain to higher education including "fair use" (section 107), the Teach Act (section 110), and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
- The library is not responsible for the improper or illegal use of any copies of materials from its collections. It is the patron's responsibility to guard against the infringement of rights that may be held by others and for clearing reproduction rights and copyright restrictions.
- The library does not claim the copyright for all materials in its collections.
- Library staff will provide any copyright information available for specific items that it has available to the user if a specific request is made. The Library provides such information to aid patrons in determining the appropriate use of an item, but that determination ultimately rests with the patron.
- It is the patron's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials from the library's collections.
- Patrons are reminded that these materials are provided by the Union Adventist University Library for non-profit educational, personal or scholarly purposes and that transmission or reproduction of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright holder.
Course Reserves
- Items to be placed on reserve are generally considered to be high use items which a number of people need to use in a short space of time. They include:
- Articles or books which are supplemental required reading
- Articles or books which are recommended reading
- Videos that should be viewed during a limited time frame
- Personal items which are not part of the library collection
Please note that while there is currently no limit on the number of course reserves a faculty member may have, the library reserves the right to limit large requests to a reasonable number of materials.
- Items to be placed on reserve are to be brought to the Library Operations Manager by the person (or their representative) who wishes to place them on reserve. A Reserve Request Form, available at the Circulation/Reference Desk, must include all of the following information: Instructor, Course/Section number, Course Title, the term that items are expected to be on reserve, and the loan period (see #3).
- Personal items will be assigned a temporary barcode. Loose leaf items must be in a notebook or binder and able to stand alone. Faculty may select from the following loan periods when requesting course reserves:
- 1 hour — Recommended for high demand items limited to library use only.
- 2 hour — Items may be checked out for two hours during the day or overnight if checked out within the hour before closing. If checked out over night, they are due within the first hour the library opens the next day.
- 1 day — Items will be due the day after they are checked out.
- 3 day — Items may be checked out for three days.
- 1 week — Items may be checked out for seven days.
- Please allow at least 48 hours for reserve materials to be made available to students. Putting items on reserve is labor intensive.
- Reserve items are kept in the reserve room behind the Circulation Desk. For those who need to locate and use reserve materials, visit the Library Catalog. Within the catalog, click on Search in the upper lefthand corner, then on Course Reserves. Course Reserves may be searched by course name or reserve item title. Patrons may also use the printed Reserve Book at the Circulation Desk. Items are listed underneath the course prefix, number, and course name.
- The Reserve Room is a closed stacks area. Students must request reserve items from Library staff on duty at the Circulation Desk. They should provide the call number for the item(s) as well as the teacher's name and the course name or number. The items are located on either of two sets of shelves according to whether they are owned by the library or whether they are instructors' personal items.
- Overdue fines are charged as follows:
- 1 or 2 hour reserve — $.25 per hour
- 1, 3 or 7 day reserve — $.25 per day
- Maximum fine $10.00
- Faculty will be reminded at the beginning of each semester of items that are on reserve under their names. Faculty should promptly respond indicating which items should be removed from or remain on reserve. Items may be removed from reserve at any time. Before picking up personal items, please allow the Library time for removing them from our course reserve system.
Approved 8/21/2003
Heritage Room and Collection Usage
The purpose of the Heritage Room is to acquire, preserve, and make available for use items related to the history of Union Adventist University, College View Church, the College View community, and Seventh-day Adventism with emphasis on the Mid America Union in order to facilitate the study of and appreciation for these entities. For SDA materials related to other regions and/or denominational institutions, please visit our Seventh-day Adventist online research guide. Libraries at Andrews University and Loma Linda University are both comprehensive SDA archival repositories and provide limited services via mail, email, and phone.
Items from the Heritage Room may be requested at the Information/Circulation Desk at any time during regular library hours. The Heritage Reading Room is open limited hours as posted.
Using the Union Adventist University Heritage Collection
- Many items from this collection are described in the Union Adventist University Library Catalog. Please ask a librarian for assistance if:
- you are unable to find what you need by searching the Online Catalog.
- you need items which you think we may have or are definitely aware that we do have in our collection which are not included in the Online Catalog.
- When you have located the call number for an item needed from the Heritage collection stacks, please ask a library employee to retrieve the item for you using the Heritage Room Log Sheet.
- Patrons are allowed in the Heritage Reading Room only.
- No more than three items at one time will be retrieved from the Heritage Room stacks for an individual.
- All Heritage Room items must be used under the supervision of library staff. If staff are available in the Heritage Reading Room, you will be expected to remain there. Otherwise expect to work at a table near the Information/Circulation Desk.
- Use pencil only for taking notes while handling Heritage Room materials. Pencils may be requested at the Information/Circulation Desk.
- Do not photocopy material without a librarian's permission. Many items are fragile and photocopying may cause irrepairable damage. Union Adventist University reserves the right to deny photocopying privileges if it is deemed too dangerous for the item in question. Alternate methods of duplication may be considered based on need.
- Requests for photocopies (including microfiche and microfilm prints) via mail, email, phone or other long-distance communication will be billed at 25¢ per page plus postage. Normal photocopier and printing costs apply to on-site visitors.
- No drink is allowed in the Heritage Reading Room or in the vicinity of Heritage materials when used outside of the reading room. No food is allowed in the library.
- Audio-visual materials may be used only in library viewing rooms.
- Requests for scanning photographs must be made using the Visual Image Order and Use Agreement Form.
- Requests regarding the use of artifacts must be directed to the Heritage Room librarian and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
High School Students
High school students are welcome to use the library for quiet personal study and research.
- College students, faculty, and staff have priority for the use of library facilities, including computer terminals.
- A student who is misbehaving in the library may be given a warning by a staff member, and/or asked to leave.
Playaway Audiobook
- Playaway Audiobooks are digital audiobooks. Each title is cataloged and can be found in the online catalog. The prefix is AB.
- Each Playaway case includes earbuds, Playaway audiobook, and extra batteries. Auxilary cords are available at the Circulation/Reference Desk by request. When returning the Playaway to the library be sure that both the Playaway audiobook and earbuds are in the case.
- There is an automatic fine of $1.50 to replace missing earbuds. Regular reserve fines apply to the Playaway device:
- Overdue: .50 cents per day
- Lost: Cost of item plus $40.00 processing fee
- Please report problems with the Playaway device to the Circulation Desk supervisor.
Patron Privacy
Study Rooms
- This policy concerns study rooms 230-234, 110-114, and 102-103; and media rooms 106-108.
- Media rooms are for the exclusive use of Union Adventist University students and staff.
- The person using the room must willing to accept responsibility for any activity that happens in that room. Spilled drinks should be reported immediately.
- Use of media equipment is limited to Union Adventist University Library materials or items assigned by Union Adventist University faculty.
- Rooms may be reserved on the library webpage or by request at the Circulation/Reference Desk.
- Rooms are considered in use after the patron has checked in at the Circulation/Reference Desk and received a room marker. Return the marker to the Circulation/Reference Desk to check out of a room and indicate that it is available.