The primary logo
Please use this logo at a size no smaller than 1.25 inches to ensure the words "Adventist University" are legible. All of the files have transparent backgrounds. The PNG files are raster graphics with a width of 4000 pixels unless otherwise noted. The SVG files are vector graphics which can be set at any size without loss of quality. Please note that white elements may not be visible until put in front of a background.
Secondary identity
These designs may be used in horizontal configurations, such as on pens and carabiners. Due to the presence of the shield, it may not be used on a red background. If you are in doubt whether or not to use this secondary identifier, just use the primary logo. Please contact Integrated Marketing Communications for further guidance.
Departmental identities
Academic programs and campus departments can find versions of the logo that include the department name on Google Drive. A Union account is required to access the folder. If your department or program is missing, contact IMC to have it included.
The shield
The shield may be used as an icon or design element. Unless you have obtained approval from IMC for a specific use, keep it red, and do not put it against a red background. Because it is not as immediately recognizable to most people as a Nike swoosh or McDonald's golden arches, it does not replace the need to include the full name of the school somewhere.