Ministry in action
God’s presence is what changes us and the world we live in—one day and one person at a time.
Whether mentoring young people as a pastor or teacher, shepherding a congregation, leading others in Christian service or getting involved in online ministry, you can prepare to follow God’s calling.
Why study religion and theology?
- Experience a deeply rewarding career.
- Cultivate and practice Christian discipleship, developing a deeply-rooted relationship with Christ while leading others to Him.
- Participate in lifelong leadership, service and evangelism.
Our education at Union has helped us tackle many theological questions that church members have, given us practical skills to develop outreach programs and prepared us for leadership roles and loving others where they are. The theology, pastoral care and Bible study work we learned at Union have all been a huge support and part of our ministry for the last five years. We believe that you can never be fully prepared through only academics, but they have given us a strong foundation to face the new challenges of managing the church and loving the people.
2009 graduates—Mic now serves as youth pastor at the College View Seventh-day Adventist Church in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Real experience starts long before graduation.
of students complete internships
The classes and skills learned at Union will launch you into a life of Christian ministry. By learning about the Bible and applying its lessons to real life, Union’s religion program empowers students to serve and lead others to God.
Why study at Union Adventist University?
- You can learn to read the Bible in its original languages, give engaging sermons, share your testimony with many different people and explore your personal call to ministry.
- The religion program at Union includes three majors: theology, religion and religious education.
- The Ministry Club provides lots of opportunities for involvement, including spiritual retreats, weekly prayer and share time, camping trips and gatherings at faculty homes.
- During the fall semester of their senior year, every theology student spends their time working with a mentor pastor in a local church setting where they receive academic credit for their ministerial work.
Beyond the theology and training I received through my coursework, my real preparation began with the professors who invested in me to be successful and effective in ministry once I graduated. It began in an environment where the demand for relevancy and practical application launched our theological training into something greater than just head knowledge.
2010 graduate and now associate chaplain at Southern Adventist University in Tennessee
Majors and minors
Union Adventist University offers the following degrees in religion, religious education and theology.
Theology major — four-year bachelor of arts degree with the following emphases:
Religion major — four-year bachelor of science degree.
Choose an emphasis or minor combination:
- Missions minor | Guide
- Pastoral care emphasis | Guide
- Pastoral care emphasis with social work minor | Guide
- Youth ministry minor | Guide
- Chaplaincy emphasis with leadership minor | Guide
- Social Media emphasis | Guide
Religious education major — four-year bachelor of science degree with teaching certification. Guide
You may also pair a minor in mission service, religion or youth ministry with a major from any discipline. See the Academic Bulletin for details.
Your career options
Plan, direct, or coordinate programs designed to promote the religious education or activities of a denominational group.
Seventh-day Adventist pastor pay range
(Dependent experience and location-based adjustments)
Christian counselor
Help people manage and overcome problems with family and other relationships.
Job outlook
19% growth (faster than average)
Median pay
High school Bible teacher
Teach academic lessons and various skills that students will need to attend college and to enter the job market.
Seventh-day Adventist high school teacher pay range
(Dependent experience and location-based adjustments)