Take Union courses online this summer

Are you a Union student or high school student?

The registration process and available courses are different if you're a Union student or a high school student. Click your link to go straight to the right information.

High school students

Get a head start on college and take 1/2 price classes this summer

You can earn college credit this summer with a variety of summer courses (online and in person) — and spend less!


If you are completing your junior year of high school, you are eligible to take one course. If you are completing your senior year of high school, you are eligible to take up to two courses. Here are the course requirements

  • Submit your transcript (including GPA) signed by your principal (or parent if homeschooled).
  • Juniors must have a 3.5 GPA and seniors must have a 3.0 GPA.
  • Submit the completed Advanced Enrollment Summer form (see below).

How to register

To register, download and fill out the Advanced Enrollment Summer form. Be sure to fill it out completely and get the appropriate signatures. Send the form and your transcript to records@uau.edu

If you have questions, please contact the Records Office at:

Phone: 402.486.2529
Email: records@uau.edu
Web: uau.edu/records-office

How to pay

There are three ways to pay for dual-credit high school courses. Click on one below for additional instructions.


Payment may be made to the Cashier located in the Everett Dick Administration Building, Room 505.

Credit Card

Payment may be made by credit card at uau.edu/pay

  • For “Select One,” click the drop-down box and choose “Student Account Payment (Family Contribution)”
  • Enter the amount
  • Enter the student’s UC-ID
  • Type in the student’s last name
  • Click “Search” to verify the student’s information
  • Click “Continue to Authorize.Net”
  • Then, you’ll be able to enter payment and billing information
  • Click “Pay Now”


Checks may be mailed to:

Union College Accounting Office
3800 S 48th Street
Lincoln, NE 68506

Checks may also be delivered in-person to the Cashier located in the Everett Dick Administration Building, Room 505.

NOTE: All checks must be made out to Union College with the note: Advanced Enrollment, [Student UC-ID] (example: Advanced Enrollment, #111111).

Available courses

Start May 6

Elementary Statistics and Probability - MATH 221 (online — synchonous)

Explores basic frequency distributions, probability, sampling, estimations, testing hypotheses, correlation, regression, chi-square and analysis of variance. A TI-84 (highly recommended) or other graphing calculator with comparable features is required for this course. Students may not receive credit for both MATH 221 and MATH 222.

Meets May 8 - 24

  • Monday - Friday
  • 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Taught by Brent Page

Jesus and the Gospels - RELB 255 (in person)

A study of the life, ministry and teachings of Jesus, with applications for daily living, based upon an inductive study of the four gospels.

May 6 - May 24

  • Monday - Friday
  • 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Taught by Lena Toews


Writing for General Audiences - ENGL 110 (online — synchronous)

The writing of clear, concise and well-developed exposition. All aspects of the writing process, including generating ideas, selecting a topic, drafting, offering peer feedback, revising, editing, proofreading, formatting, and presenting the final product; all with an intended audience in mind. Critical thinking and reading, evaluating models for writing, and composing and editing skills are emphasized.

May 8 - May 24

  • Monday - Friday
  • 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Taught by Jason Gildow


The Modern World - HIST 157 (online — synchronous)

The writing of clear, concise and well-developed exposition. All aspects of the writing process, including generating ideas, selecting a topic, drafting, offering peer feedback, revising, editing, proofreading, formatting, and presenting the final product; all with an intended audience in mind. Critical thinking and reading, evaluating models for writing, and composing and editing skills are emphasized.

May 6 - May 24

  • Monday - Friday
  • 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Taught by Dr. Benjamin Tyner.


Start June 3

Intro to Psychology - PSYC 105 (online — asynchronous)

Explores the science of psychology, its theories, basic concepts, and research methods. Students are introduced to the major subfields in psychology.

June 3 - July 27

Taught by Melanie Gabbert.


Developmental Psychology - PSYC 215 (online — asynchronous)

Studies the physical, emotional, cognitive and psycho-social development through each of the life stages, prenatal through old age.

June 3 - July 27

Taught by Melanie Gabbert. 

Union students

Pay half price for summer classes

Union offers a variety of classes this summer — in person, online and through our partner Acadeum. Click the class name below to see a description, meeting time, professor and registration instructions.

Note: online synchronous courses meet online at a regular class time and online asynchronous courses do not have a regular meeting time.

Start May 6

Microbiology - BIOL 205 (in person)

Prerequisite: [BIOL 112 and CHEM 104 (minimum grade of C)] or [BIOL 200 and CHEM 151 (minimum grade of C)]

A survey of major groups of microbes with relationships to health and disease. Basic principles of microbial nutrition, metabolism, genetics, ecology, microbial control and microbe-humaninteractions are also considered. The laboratory introduces a variety of procedures, including asepsis, culture, isolation and identification of microorganisms, especially bacteria.

May 8 - 26

  • Monday - Friday
  • Lecture: 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.
  • Lab: 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Taught by Dr. Salvador Moguel.

Register through Self-Service.

Biochemistry - CHEM 440 (in person)

Prerequisite: BIOL 200 and CHEM 212 (both minimum grade of C)

Study of the fundamental principles of enzyme kinetics, enzyme mechanisms and enzyme regulation based on the structure and chemistry of biomolecules including amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleotides, nucleic acids, and biological membranes. This course is designed for pre-professional students. Does not include a lab.

May 6 - May 24


  • Monday - Friday
  • 8:00 - 11:30 a.m.

Taught by Dr. Carrie Wolfe.

Register through Self-Service.

Christian Ethics - RELT 305 (in person)

An introduction to the systems and methods used in making ethical decisions viewed from the perspective of the Christian faith. Discusses questions of current interest in the area of personal and social ethics.

Meets May 6-24

  • Monday - Friday
  • 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Taught by Dr. Thomas Toews

 Register through Self-Service.

Prophetic Guidance in Advent Movements - RELT 455 (in person)

Study of the gift of prophecy as a method of divine communication. Special attention is given to the life and writings of Ellen G. White.

Meets May 6-24

  • Monday - Friday
  • 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Taught by Dr. Pierre Steenberg.

Register through Self-Service.

Elementary Statistics and Probability - MATH 221 (online — synchronous)

Explores basic frequency distributions, probability, sampling, estimations, testing hypotheses, correlation, regression, chi-square and analysis of variance. Develops soft skills including teamwork, mathematical communication, and self-efficacy. A TI-84 (highly recommended) or other graphing calculator with comparable features is required for this course. This version of Elementary Statistics and Probability includes a lab with a $25 lab lee. Students may not receive credit for both MATH 221 and MATH 222.

May 6 - May 24

  • Monday - Friday
  • 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Taught by Brent Page.

Register through Self-Service. 

Jesus and the Gospels - RELB 255 (in person)

A study of the life, ministry and teachings of Jesus, with applications for daily living, based upon an inductive study of the four gospels.

May 6-24

  • Monday - Friday
  • 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Taught by Dr. Lena Toews.

Register through Self-Service. 

Writing for General Audiences - ENGL 110 (online — synchronous)

The writing of clear, concise and well-developed exposition. All aspects of the writing process, including generating ideas, selecting a topic, drafting, offering peer feedback, revising, editing, proofreading, formatting, and presenting the final product; all with an intended audience in mind. Critical thinking and reading, evaluating models for writing, and composing and editing skills are emphasized.

May 6 - May 24

  • Monday - Friday
  • 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Taught by Jason Gildow.

 Register through Self-Service.

Writing for Scholarly Audiences - ENGL 212 (online — asynchronous)

Centers on the rigorous application of rhetorical principles to persuasive writing and the sharpening of skills in research writing. Readings, class discussions, and assignments foster critical thinking skills (including the recognition of logical fallacies), acquaint students with scholarly language, and define the expectations of academic audiences. Includes instruction in information literacy as well as various styles of documentation, among them APA, CMS/Turabian, and MLA. The course culminates in a substantial argumentative paper driven by a research question and supported with primary, secondary, and tertiary sources.

May 6 - Aug. 11

Taught by Dr. Jill Morstead.

 Register through Self-Service.

The Modern World - HIST 157 (online — synchronous)

Formerly known as "The West in the World," this course is an introductory survey of the world since 1500, focusing on the emergence and globalization of modern western power around the north Atlantic. Students will also practice critically thinking about historical context, interpret primary sources, and consider how the past can be used in service of the present. 

May 6 - 24

  • Monday - Friday
  • 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Taught by Dr. Benjamin Tyner.

Register through Self-Service.

England Study Tour - Start May 6

These courses are a part of the UK study tour and require additional approval to signup. To learn more, contact benjamin.tyner@uau.edu

Exploring the Literature and Landscape of Great Britain - LITR 243 (in person)

Study the literature of Great Britain while exploring the country.

Begins May 6.

Taught by Dr. Tanya Cochran.

Register through Self-Service.

Monks, Martyrs and Reformation - RELG 346 (in person)

This course is part of the UK study tour.

Begins May 6.

Taught by Dr. Benjamin Holdsworth.

Register through Self-Service.

Tolkien, Fantasy, and the Middle Ages - HIST 325 (in person)

Tours the medieval places, texts, and events in England and Wales which rooted the fantastic imagination of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Begins May 6.

Taught by Dr. Benjamin Tyner.

Register through Self-Service.

Start June 1

Intro to Psychology - PSYC 105 (online — asynchronous)

Explores the science of psychology, its theories, basic concepts, and research methods. Students are introduced to the major subfields in psychology.

June 1 - July 27

Taught by Melanie Gabbert.

Register through Self-Service.


Developmental Psychology - PSYC 215 (online — asynchronous)

Studies the physical, emotional, cognitive and psycho-social development through each of the life stages, prenatal through old age.

June 1 - July 27

Taught by Melanie Gabbert. 

Register through Self-Service.

Online courses from partner universities

Art Appreciation — start June 3 (online — asynchronous) 

This course is taught through Acadeum.

This survey course explores visual art forms and their cultural relationships across history. With an emphasis on the foundations of visual art, students develop an awareness and appreciation for the history, function, techniques, and purposes surrounding visual art. Students will gain an understanding of visual vocabulary in an effort to describe, analyze, and interpret art against its political, social, and cultural backdrops.

June 3 - July 26

Taught by McKendree University.

Register for Acadeum courses here.


Human Anatomy and Physiology II - Start May 13 (online — asynchronous)

This course is taught through Acadeum.

BIOL 112 is the second of a two-course sequence which covers the endocrine, cardiovascular, circulatory, lymphatic, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. At the conclusion of this course, the student will demonstrate a basic knowledge of the structure and the function of all body systems, as well as an understanding of the role of homeostasis in maintaining an environment compatible with life. This is a four hour course and includes a lab.

May 13 - July 26

Offered by Colorado State University Global. 

Register for Acadeum courses here.

Human Anatomy and Physiology II - Start June 10 (online — asynchronous)

This course is taught through Acadeum.

BIOL 112 is the second of a two-course sequence which covers the endocrine, cardiovascular, circulatory, lymphatic, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. At the conclusion of this course, the student will demonstrate a basic knowledge of the structure and the function of all body systems, as well as an understanding of the role of homeostasis in maintaining an environment compatible with life. This is a four hour course and includes a lab.

June 10 - August 4

Offered by Colorado State University Global. 

Register for Acadeum courses here.

Human Anatomy and Physiology I - Start June 4 (online — asynchronous)

This course is taught through Acadeum.

BIOL 111 is an integrated course covering the structure and function of approximately half of the systems in the human body. Organization of the body and principles of support, movement, and control systems will be covered. This is a four hour course and includes a lab.

June 10 - August 4

Offered by Indiana Wesleyan University. 

Register for Acadeum courses here.

Human Anatomy and Physiology I - Start July 16 (online — asynchronous)

This course is taught through Acadeum.

BIOL 111 is an integrated course covering the structure and function of approximately half of the systems in the human body. Organization of the body and principles of support, movement, and control systems will be covered. This is a four hour course and includes a lab.

July 16 - August 26

Offered by Indiana Wesleyan University. 

Register for Acadeum courses here.

Public Speaking - Start June 6 (online — asynchronous)

This course is taught through Acadeum.

COMM 105 develops world changing communicators who are effective and ethical creators and consumers of public address both theoretically and practically. Two credit hours.

June 6 - 24

Offered by Indiana Wesleyan University. 

Register for Acadeum courses here.